Getting pregnant is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to a woman who wants to start a family. During pregnancy , it is normal for a woman to gain weight, which can reach 11 to 16 kg.
After giving birth, most women want to get back into their pre-pregnancy shape . With a little effort and good planning, this is quite possible. This article gives you all the information you need to achieve this goal.
A flat stomach after giving birth: is it really possible?
During pregnancy, the belly is the part of the body that is most stressed, which causes it to increase in volume. Even after delivery, the belly is still large. Indeed, even if the baby is no longer in the belly, the uterus has not yet completely returned to its place.
Also, the appearance of stretch marks and a median brown line gives the belly a flabby texture. To remedy this and be comfortable in your skin again, you must do everything to regain a flat stomach . Many people have been able to achieve this result, but it requires time and above all discipline.
Losing belly fat after giving birth: what to do
In order to get back in shape after giving birth, you must exercise and adopt a healthy diet.
Sports activities to lose belly fat
During pregnancy, you were unable to do sports activities in order to avoid compromising the baby’s health . Now that you have given birth, you can start by working your deep abdominals . This should only be done after perineal rehabilitation . Two months after giving birth, you can practice other gentle sports activities such as aquagym, swimming, yoga , etc. Also, walking is a sports activity to favor to quickly get back into physical condition.
Once you have completed the rehabilitation, you can do more strenuous activities such as jogging . To tone your abs after giving birth, you should consult a physiotherapist . This health professional will have you do breathing exercises before the ab exercises . Such a professional is recommended to work your abs safely.
In addition, you can buy a slimming corset suitable for wearing during your sports activities that stress the abdominal region. Such an accessory will help to accentuate the results and slim down the stomach quickly .
Good nutrition after childbirth
For any successful weight loss , nutrition is the fundamental element. You must eat well instead of starving yourself. Adopt a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables .
Some high-calorie foods such as cold cuts, pastries, fatty meats, fried foods and others should be banned from your diet. You can also choose food supplements adapted to your postnatal situation. These supplements contain proteins and mineral salts to strengthen your body and promote fat loss. It is recommended to always consult your doctor before taking a food supplement .
Also, pay close attention to your diet if you are going to breastfeed your baby. A poor diet can cause you to gain extra weight and compromise the baby’s well-being.
Drink enough water every day
Water is a substance that is essential to life. To lose weight, water is a great ally. Indeed, when you drink, the liquid takes up space in your stomach and therefore serves as an appetite suppressant . You will no longer want to eat frequently and snack between meals.
Water also helps eliminate toxins in order to always stay healthy. For the results to be visible, you must drink an average of 2L of water per day . This daily quantity also takes into account the water contained in foods such as fruits and vegetables.
So, now you know what to do to lose belly fat after giving birth. To learn more about other techniques to use , you can follow Sévérine’s advice . She shares her tips and some exercise routines that have proven effective. So do what is necessary to regain your beautiful pre-pregnancy figure .