Box beauté bio d’Août 2018 : le pack magique pour être au top pendant les vacances


A new offer is for you fashion lovers! Do you want to take care of your body and face during the holidays?

Don’t hesitate to discover the organic beauty box anniversary of for this month of August. Indeed, Box Evidence is celebrating its second anniversary. This box is therefore a little “special” since it offers you various very high quality beauty items. But what exactly do you find there?

Guérande Cosmetics day and night facial treatment

In this box, you can find the day and night face cream from Guérande Cosmétics which nourishes, moisturizes and above all protects your skin against the sun during the holidays. And on top of that, it is suitable for all skin types. This cream is made only from organic resources (plants, algae, clays, etc.).

Skin & Tonic London Cleansing Oil

You will also find in this box a make-up remover oil from the Skin & Tonic brand. It is really essential to clean your skin without damaging it given its ultra-soft texture, in addition to its 100% organic components: sweet almond oil, sunflower, jojoba, camellia and vitamin E. But above all, it allows you to have a pretty complexion and soft skin.

Purobio Corrector Pencil

To correct your small imperfections or simply to contour your eyes, the Puribio concealer pencil is a must. You can easily take it with you thanks to its small size. It is also quick to use and very effective. This pencil is made from natural products that will not damage your eyelids. The Evidence box gives you the opportunity to have it in your makeup kit.

Absolution Soft Skin Moisturizing Milk

When we say vacation, we talk about the beach, the sun… And after sunbathing, a good moisturizing milk from Absolution will be necessary to soften, nourish and hydrate your skin. Composed of shea butter and evening primrose oil, it helps prevent wrinkles and makes your skin more supple, tender and fresher.

Propolia Eye Contour

Stop tired looks, dark circles and bags! The evidence box gives you the solution to have beautiful eyes with “the eye contour”. It is true that the eye area is the most sensitive area of ​​the face, hence the need to use an authentic and branded product like this roll-on from Propolia. With its refreshing ball, it is essential to have less tired eyes.

Vous y trouverez également des vernis à ongles de chez ZAO makeup, des rouges à lèvres de marque Boho, le masque purifiant onctueux de kadalys, l’éponge corps de « The Konjac Sponge Compagny », un savon noir (livré avec gant), le gant de gommage de chez « Savon Stories », de l’huile de ricin de Saint Hilaire pour régénérer rapidement vos cheveux et pleins d’autre encore… En conclusion, nous avons été ravies de cette box et on ne peut que vous la conseiller !

Air Lorraine

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